The MagPi Magazine

The Official Raspberry Pi Magazine

NEW! Free Raspberry Pi Pico W microcontroller

Raspberry Pi official magazine is written by and for the community. Each issue is packed with Raspberry Pi-themed projects, computing and electronics tutorials, how-to guides, and the latest news and reviews. Get a free Pico W from just £10.

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  • 12 issues per year
  • Free Raspberry Pi Pico W microcontroller with ALL subscriptions
  • The latest issues delivered to your door
  • Plus! Priority Boarding – subscribers get newly released Raspberry Pi hardware first
  • Early access to the free PDF of the latest issue as soon as it’s available

Choose your subscription offer:

Best Deal£45 6 issues paid by continuous credit card Payment Type Image Rest of World
Best Deal£45 6 issues paid by continuous credit card Payment Type Image Rest of World
Best Deal£85 12 issues paid by continuous credit card Payment Type Image Rest of World
Best Deal£85 12 issues paid by continuous credit card Payment Type Image Rest of World

Terms and conditions:

Continuous Credit card orders will auto-renew at the same price unless cancelled. A free Pico W is included with all subscriptions. This is a limited offer. Not included with renewals. Offer subject to change or withdrawal at any time.